Wednesday, September 3, 2008

~~ aVRiL LaVigNe RoCkiNg MaLaySia~~

29 august was the day where Avril Lavigne rocks Stadium Merdeka. It was also the 1st time I’ve been to a concert. There were 7 of us. Dragging our ass to the venue at 5pm is a real pain in the ass as the public transport in Malaysia sucked like hell plus it was peak hour. We lost count of how many monorail trains we missed because of the over-crowded station in Bukit Bintang. Looking around, there are so many ang mos with disgusted looks on them. Not only them, but locals too...
Forget about the useless public transport in our country for the time being and let's focus on the talk of the day: the Avril Concert!!!! After a long wait and a free "shower" session, at around 9.25pm Avril finally appeared. The crowd went crazy with all the screaming to no end. She was a beauty. She was full of energy. She put up a killer performance. We loved her so much!!! Here goes one of the concert videos for you to savour, my dear friends.

The only thing that got all the fans frustrated was that it ended so abruptly at around 10.35pm that everyone was left in shock. Whatever it is, we still love you, Avril!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Rojak oh Rojak, kenapa engkau sedap~~

Being away from Malaysia all the time, there’s no doubt having some food craving crisis for those whose hobby is eating, like me. So, there’s this list I’ve made to remind others of some specially made-in-Malaysia food, which are so special that you can’t miss it whenever you come back.

Must-eat food in Malaysia:
Roti canai
Nasi lemak
Bak gua
Kari mee, Hokkien mee, Wantan mee, all the mees also must eat
Cha guey tiao, Cha tua pan, all Cha also must eat
Low Wong Nga choi kai
Malacca satay celup
Siam food
Bak kut teh
Dim sum

It’s THE list for the time being. I haven’t had the chance to eat everything yet, but I’m looking forward to trying my best to eat until my stomach explodes. However, sad to say, it’s only been a few days and I’ve been experiencing continuous stomachaches most probably due to bad eating habits. ;P

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

~home sweet home~

Finally I'm back home again... The feel good factor has been looming around me for the past few days. Although not as many friends left in this little small town, I'm glad to be back. Especially all the things that I never had the chance to do elsewhere, like driving, hanging out with friends in coffee shop and heavy-duty shopping. Well, let's hope this holiday would be an unforgettable one, mmm... only if it's in a positive way though.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm not dead, I'm still alive

Guess what I did for the last 3 hours? Playing poker on Facebook while reading Huining's blog. It's like, what, 4 months since i last visited her blog... It was a pleasant surprise to know that she loved Paris, as lots of my friends dream to put their feet on the French soil but they can only browse through pics from the net, rather than really experiencing it. By reading her blog, memories of my friends from my school days came back to life.
Anyway, I finally got my hands on the internet this weekend, after some touturous weeks without decent internet connection. Well, since I paid 20€ for the train to come back to Lyon, not to mention that I have to pay another amount to get back to Marseille, I had to take advantage of this. Other than that, I did some shopping, as it's the sales in France at this moment, and some online shopping too, got influenced by Chuntah with his cool shades, and seriously I'm sick of my paria GF FERRE. I bought 2 pairs of Diesel online, hope to get it before my trip back to Malaysia so that i can show off a bit ;D, it would be cool!!! Also, i belanja Chuntah and Yizhou nasi kandar, they were so kind to let me keep my stuff in their house for the summer, with the amount of my stuff (esp my shoes and clothes) it took up half their space... Well FYI, I'm actually a SDF now (in french, it means without fixed home), that's why I have to ma fan so many people.
Well, tomorrow i have to take my train back to Marseille to finish my internship. Fun it is, I find it somehow quite stressful, as acne has been popping out non-stop since the last 2 weeks, after a real long absence. Arghhh.. It's really getting on my nerves. Hmm, or maybe i should blame it on the super-duper hot weather in the south, or perhaps the over-dosed-with-dirt air in the industrial zone, or the stinky bad aura of those Marseillais? Well, gotta find a solution fast! People like me, 靠脸吃饭的 , if no solution tho gai liao...
There's just so many things I've gotta do before going back home, especially buying gifts. Sorry for those not in my list, I can't get everyone presents as it would cost me a fortune, plus i don't have much time to do all the shopping. Pay 10 lifes also not enough. Paiseh paiseh. Recently, I've been thinking about home, family and those good old days with all my friends, so for those whom i've lost contact with, just remember that I remember you...

There's just too many ups and downs in life, and one day they bring back fond memories, no matter how sweat or how bitter they might be.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My iNtErNsHiP iN VitRoLLEs

It's been ages since I last update my blog. Well, since i'm in a nicely hidden small town without water and electricity, there is, of course, no internet to chat in msn, download the latest songs, what more to update my humble little blogspot. However luck shines on me today as i found internet in the middle of this dessert so i thought it would be really nice to write something at this instant.

So, the fact is that i'm actually doing my internship as a factory worker of sort, somewhere near Marseille, in a small company of industrial painting. Fun it is, hard it is too. I've learnt a lot for the past 3 weeks and there is a week and a half left until I finish. Really looking foward to finishing my job here as it's time to go home after that. I'm not gonna tell tales about my internship and my stay here in the south of france, so till next time when I have photos to show or something written beforehand to post, happy holidays to all my friends (of course it only applies to those already on holiday), otherwise, still, stay cheerful, ok?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

year 2007/2008 ---> nearing an end

Lightning speed is the expression to describe my stay in INSA. My 1st year is nearing an end. This class photo of "Group 91" sums it up.
Had a great time having everyone around.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Léo’s cum Toulouse cum airbus

Before my Barcelona trip, I made my first visit to a French friend, Léo’s house. It was situated not too far away from Toulouse, something like a French ‘kampung’. His parents were so friendly that everyone felt at home right away. I was happy to have Paul, Mah and Tuan as company to share this beautiful experience. During these few days, we kind of let the time pass, just relaxing, playing ping pong, basketball, tennis, weightlifting and reading BDs (Lanfeust). We enjoyed ourselves with good food such as barbeque (I personally loved the magret de canard the most), crêpes, cassoulet… One day trip to Toulouse was quite interesting :P (at least the redness of the city caught my attention). Unfortunately I did not take any photos.

The most exciting part was the visit to airbus as we had a chance to see how things are done the airbus way. Not to brag, but we went under the planes, touched the planes, hugged the planes, kissed the planes, we even slept with the planes… ZzZzZz… Well, of course the hugging, kissing and sleeping part = nonsense. Anyhow, it was an ideal chance to open our eyes and understand how proud it is to be able to produce such a marvel.

I place a photo of a view of La Rambla for this post.

p/s: the photo has nothing to do with the content. Don’t be tricked.

Till then, signing off, it’s the end of the holiday.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

~Barcelona in love~

Two weeks of spring break is finally nearing an end. I would pretty much say I spent one of my best holidays this time around. Why? because I enjoyed it… duh… OK I traveled to Barcelona and to my utter surprise; I totally fell in love… unfortunately not with a girl, but with the city itself. Sigh, so disappointed…

Anyway, I have no intention to go list my whole journey in detail, so here goes some interesting and unforgettable stuff during my trip:

-La Rambla, the most happening street in Barcelona, there’s just so many entertainers along the stretch of the street.
-Best food? Paella, Tapas, Seafood
-Sagrada Familia is the most amazing piece of art in the city of Barcelona.
-Gaudi is one of the most creative architects, notably with Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Casa Batllo and La Pedreda under his name.
-It was a Champion’s League semi-finals week, between Liverpool-Chelsea, and Barca-ManU.
-Crossing path with Barca FC players (Henry, Thuram, Abidal, Marquez, Gudjohnsen) was a real luck.
-It’s a city where you find everything: beach, mountains, parks, cool architectures, interesting night life, good food, hot chicks, etc, etc.

Thanks to my travel-mates, CK and Siva for making this trip so enjoyable.

Till then, signing off, still loving my holiday trip.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


31st Mac to 4th April 2008… A whole week of ‘Asian invasion’ in the campus of INSA LYON, seeing lots of passionate and motivated students (Asian or not) giving their best to present a carnival sort of event and to spread the ‘Asian love’ to everyone around.

First, there’s the spectacle on the first 2 days. A whole lot of Asian performance is put on in order to give the Asian flavour, for those who are really interested to our beautiful culture. Again, as this is an Asian week, it’s all about Asia, and nothing else other than Asia. Vietnamese dance, Lion+dragon dance, karate, taekwondo, sketch, Indian dance was among the famous performances.

Other than that, the other particularities of the ‘SA’ were Asian food, a Korean movie and also a soirée video game.

Since I’m in the orga bouffe equipe, so let’s talk more about food. A whole week of sushi bar was held in the middle of the campus to sell Asian foods. Nobody actually understood why it’s called sushi bar when it sells a whole lot of other Vietnamese and Chinese food aside from sushi maki, instead of other Japanese food, and it didn’t even offer alcohol, so precisely, the name doesn’t correspond with the content good sold. In the kitchen, non-stop cooking took place. The fun part was that I’ve made some new friends and have learnt some new stuff about gastronomy especially in making sushi, given that I squatted there for almost a week. It was an unforgettable experience indeed.

On the whole, it was truly a good opportunity to unite all Asians and all French who are interested about Asia. Sadly to say, Asia does not really interest French people on the whole, not all, but majority. Well, it seems like it’s just a natural phenomenon that not everyone is interested in everything…

Till then, signing off, still hesitating to make the move.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Why does everyone keeps complaining of being busy???

Busy, busy, busy… That’s the only thing in my life at the moment. I’m starting to lose my goal bit by bit as my current life is taking a toll on me. I’ve just too many things to do. Can you imagine having tests every Friday? Once you finish a Friday, the next Friday is waiting for you around the corner. That means by the time you wanted to take a break, it’s already time for you to prepare for your next test.

Furthermore, the ‘Semaine Asiatique’ translated into ‘Asian Week’ will be held this week, in which I’m helping with the food (and video games, perhaps). I initially was kinda reluctant to take part; however I thought that it should be a head start to get my social life back on track. Thus, I think sacrificing a week of studies and getting bad marks is unavoidable, since I already got used to the bad marks part.

Well, since I’m busy, busy, busy… I don’t really have time going on babbling… Plus, I lost an hour today and it made me so frustrated.

Till then, signing off... lost.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

random post

Friends always ask me when am i going back home again. My reply is most of the time: i don't know, most probably the coming summer, or who knows i might wana go visit some other place during that particularly precious holidays.
My initial plan for my summer 2008, when the school season started last september, was a visit to China, since the Olympics will also be held there. However, for all the hellish life in this f@#king uni that i've chosen to enter, things have changed. The 'miss-home syndrome' finally attacked me. That's why i'm determined more than ever to go home when i get the chance.
Apart from that, i'm so looking foward to meeting my lovely sis again, after a year and a half. It will be 2 years when summer comes again. To my sis, i hope everything's fine with your new uni life, and be strong.
I just chatted with a friend living in Malaysia, and there is this 'being jealous of me' issue that keeps bugging me once in a while since the last 2 years. 'Wow, you're in France, so much fun, so good, you're so lucky..' kinda thing. The fact that i'm kinda stuck overseas make the fact that being overseas isn't that much fun anymore. Mind that i can't go home whenever i want, weekends are impossible and normal holidays are too short, unlike you guys. I'm sure those friends stuck in overseas will have the same view as mine. It's kinda sad that i've missed my cousin's wedding last december, and also 3 chinese new year occasion. Though i can't deny that what i'm doing now is a once in a life time chance that i will cherish for the rest of my life. My point is there are pros and cons whichever path you take, that something has to be sacrificed whatever choice is made. This is also a post to remind myself... So, be grateful for the choice you had and for what you have chosen.

Till then, signing off with a lazy mind, having an extra day off next monday for easter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I've been sitting in front of my laptop for the last 2 and a half hours, letting the time pass, over my head, over my shoulder, and under the chair too perhaps. Since this is my first post in this lovely but still undecorated blog page, i think it should have the privilege to be introduced.
The reason of me blogging again is that i now feel the real need to reconnect with my friends out there, and also to share with others my story, my thoughts and my philosophies.
The fact that i'm a quater of the globe away from my family and most of buddies, i do not have the privilege of sharing, all the time, my happiness or sadness with those that understood and still understand me.
Some would ask how the name of the blog came about. As i was thinking what name to give this blog (just like a father quenching his brain juice to think of a good name for his would-be born baby), i thought about my life, especially for the last 3 years. I felt that, being away from home, i've learnt so much.. just about anything, yet, not quite enough. I had made so many mistakes, yet, not quite enough to make sure that i don't screw up the next time. I tried so hard, yet, not quite enough to tell myself that i did my best.
I've learnt.. i've learnt that life is just a non-stop quest of finding your true self, your true identity, and also a non-stop quest of learning all the lessons of life, until the day you stop breathing...

signing off, tired after a whole afternoon of football.