Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm not dead, I'm still alive

Guess what I did for the last 3 hours? Playing poker on Facebook while reading Huining's blog. It's like, what, 4 months since i last visited her blog... It was a pleasant surprise to know that she loved Paris, as lots of my friends dream to put their feet on the French soil but they can only browse through pics from the net, rather than really experiencing it. By reading her blog, memories of my friends from my school days came back to life.
Anyway, I finally got my hands on the internet this weekend, after some touturous weeks without decent internet connection. Well, since I paid 20€ for the train to come back to Lyon, not to mention that I have to pay another amount to get back to Marseille, I had to take advantage of this. Other than that, I did some shopping, as it's the sales in France at this moment, and some online shopping too, got influenced by Chuntah with his cool shades, and seriously I'm sick of my paria GF FERRE. I bought 2 pairs of Diesel online, hope to get it before my trip back to Malaysia so that i can show off a bit ;D, it would be cool!!! Also, i belanja Chuntah and Yizhou nasi kandar, they were so kind to let me keep my stuff in their house for the summer, with the amount of my stuff (esp my shoes and clothes) it took up half their space... Well FYI, I'm actually a SDF now (in french, it means without fixed home), that's why I have to ma fan so many people.
Well, tomorrow i have to take my train back to Marseille to finish my internship. Fun it is, I find it somehow quite stressful, as acne has been popping out non-stop since the last 2 weeks, after a real long absence. Arghhh.. It's really getting on my nerves. Hmm, or maybe i should blame it on the super-duper hot weather in the south, or perhaps the over-dosed-with-dirt air in the industrial zone, or the stinky bad aura of those Marseillais? Well, gotta find a solution fast! People like me, 靠脸吃饭的 , if no solution tho gai liao...
There's just so many things I've gotta do before going back home, especially buying gifts. Sorry for those not in my list, I can't get everyone presents as it would cost me a fortune, plus i don't have much time to do all the shopping. Pay 10 lifes also not enough. Paiseh paiseh. Recently, I've been thinking about home, family and those good old days with all my friends, so for those whom i've lost contact with, just remember that I remember you...

There's just too many ups and downs in life, and one day they bring back fond memories, no matter how sweat or how bitter they might be.


hui nee said...

靠脸吃饭?or kao lui??? :P eh,really long time x heard from you ler.other than internship,bo ki other countries kia kia meh?

if got $$$,no nid to surf the net to know more bout paris la,can just buy ticket and fly there without any further consideration.

Ning said...

haha.. i shud've contacted u when i was in paris.. really din think of it. =p