Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My iNtErNsHiP iN VitRoLLEs

It's been ages since I last update my blog. Well, since i'm in a nicely hidden small town without water and electricity, there is, of course, no internet to chat in msn, download the latest songs, what more to update my humble little blogspot. However luck shines on me today as i found internet in the middle of this dessert so i thought it would be really nice to write something at this instant.

So, the fact is that i'm actually doing my internship as a factory worker of sort, somewhere near Marseille, in a small company of industrial painting. Fun it is, hard it is too. I've learnt a lot for the past 3 weeks and there is a week and a half left until I finish. Really looking foward to finishing my job here as it's time to go home after that. I'm not gonna tell tales about my internship and my stay here in the south of france, so till next time when I have photos to show or something written beforehand to post, happy holidays to all my friends (of course it only applies to those already on holiday), otherwise, still, stay cheerful, ok?

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