Monday, March 31, 2008

Why does everyone keeps complaining of being busy???

Busy, busy, busy… That’s the only thing in my life at the moment. I’m starting to lose my goal bit by bit as my current life is taking a toll on me. I’ve just too many things to do. Can you imagine having tests every Friday? Once you finish a Friday, the next Friday is waiting for you around the corner. That means by the time you wanted to take a break, it’s already time for you to prepare for your next test.

Furthermore, the ‘Semaine Asiatique’ translated into ‘Asian Week’ will be held this week, in which I’m helping with the food (and video games, perhaps). I initially was kinda reluctant to take part; however I thought that it should be a head start to get my social life back on track. Thus, I think sacrificing a week of studies and getting bad marks is unavoidable, since I already got used to the bad marks part.

Well, since I’m busy, busy, busy… I don’t really have time going on babbling… Plus, I lost an hour today and it made me so frustrated.

Till then, signing off... lost.

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