Sunday, April 27, 2008

Léo’s cum Toulouse cum airbus

Before my Barcelona trip, I made my first visit to a French friend, Léo’s house. It was situated not too far away from Toulouse, something like a French ‘kampung’. His parents were so friendly that everyone felt at home right away. I was happy to have Paul, Mah and Tuan as company to share this beautiful experience. During these few days, we kind of let the time pass, just relaxing, playing ping pong, basketball, tennis, weightlifting and reading BDs (Lanfeust). We enjoyed ourselves with good food such as barbeque (I personally loved the magret de canard the most), crêpes, cassoulet… One day trip to Toulouse was quite interesting :P (at least the redness of the city caught my attention). Unfortunately I did not take any photos.

The most exciting part was the visit to airbus as we had a chance to see how things are done the airbus way. Not to brag, but we went under the planes, touched the planes, hugged the planes, kissed the planes, we even slept with the planes… ZzZzZz… Well, of course the hugging, kissing and sleeping part = nonsense. Anyhow, it was an ideal chance to open our eyes and understand how proud it is to be able to produce such a marvel.

I place a photo of a view of La Rambla for this post.

p/s: the photo has nothing to do with the content. Don’t be tricked.

Till then, signing off, it’s the end of the holiday.


chin tee said...

agreed! toulouse rocks too! when reading your post, i really thought that you all went down to the airbus workshop to touch A380..then you just stated that 'it was nonsense'.. by the way, airbus refused my request for an internship.. *sigh*

WeNz said...

hey the touching part was real, ok? read properly the content, lol...

chin tee said...

shit! we weren't given the chance to touch it!! not fair! i want to complain!