Thursday, August 7, 2008

Rojak oh Rojak, kenapa engkau sedap~~

Being away from Malaysia all the time, there’s no doubt having some food craving crisis for those whose hobby is eating, like me. So, there’s this list I’ve made to remind others of some specially made-in-Malaysia food, which are so special that you can’t miss it whenever you come back.

Must-eat food in Malaysia:
Roti canai
Nasi lemak
Bak gua
Kari mee, Hokkien mee, Wantan mee, all the mees also must eat
Cha guey tiao, Cha tua pan, all Cha also must eat
Low Wong Nga choi kai
Malacca satay celup
Siam food
Bak kut teh
Dim sum

It’s THE list for the time being. I haven’t had the chance to eat everything yet, but I’m looking forward to trying my best to eat until my stomach explodes. However, sad to say, it’s only been a few days and I’ve been experiencing continuous stomachaches most probably due to bad eating habits. ;P

1 comment:

hui nee said...

i oso want to eat melaka satay celup!!!!:P