Monday, March 31, 2008

Why does everyone keeps complaining of being busy???

Busy, busy, busy… That’s the only thing in my life at the moment. I’m starting to lose my goal bit by bit as my current life is taking a toll on me. I’ve just too many things to do. Can you imagine having tests every Friday? Once you finish a Friday, the next Friday is waiting for you around the corner. That means by the time you wanted to take a break, it’s already time for you to prepare for your next test.

Furthermore, the ‘Semaine Asiatique’ translated into ‘Asian Week’ will be held this week, in which I’m helping with the food (and video games, perhaps). I initially was kinda reluctant to take part; however I thought that it should be a head start to get my social life back on track. Thus, I think sacrificing a week of studies and getting bad marks is unavoidable, since I already got used to the bad marks part.

Well, since I’m busy, busy, busy… I don’t really have time going on babbling… Plus, I lost an hour today and it made me so frustrated.

Till then, signing off... lost.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

random post

Friends always ask me when am i going back home again. My reply is most of the time: i don't know, most probably the coming summer, or who knows i might wana go visit some other place during that particularly precious holidays.
My initial plan for my summer 2008, when the school season started last september, was a visit to China, since the Olympics will also be held there. However, for all the hellish life in this f@#king uni that i've chosen to enter, things have changed. The 'miss-home syndrome' finally attacked me. That's why i'm determined more than ever to go home when i get the chance.
Apart from that, i'm so looking foward to meeting my lovely sis again, after a year and a half. It will be 2 years when summer comes again. To my sis, i hope everything's fine with your new uni life, and be strong.
I just chatted with a friend living in Malaysia, and there is this 'being jealous of me' issue that keeps bugging me once in a while since the last 2 years. 'Wow, you're in France, so much fun, so good, you're so lucky..' kinda thing. The fact that i'm kinda stuck overseas make the fact that being overseas isn't that much fun anymore. Mind that i can't go home whenever i want, weekends are impossible and normal holidays are too short, unlike you guys. I'm sure those friends stuck in overseas will have the same view as mine. It's kinda sad that i've missed my cousin's wedding last december, and also 3 chinese new year occasion. Though i can't deny that what i'm doing now is a once in a life time chance that i will cherish for the rest of my life. My point is there are pros and cons whichever path you take, that something has to be sacrificed whatever choice is made. This is also a post to remind myself... So, be grateful for the choice you had and for what you have chosen.

Till then, signing off with a lazy mind, having an extra day off next monday for easter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I've been sitting in front of my laptop for the last 2 and a half hours, letting the time pass, over my head, over my shoulder, and under the chair too perhaps. Since this is my first post in this lovely but still undecorated blog page, i think it should have the privilege to be introduced.
The reason of me blogging again is that i now feel the real need to reconnect with my friends out there, and also to share with others my story, my thoughts and my philosophies.
The fact that i'm a quater of the globe away from my family and most of buddies, i do not have the privilege of sharing, all the time, my happiness or sadness with those that understood and still understand me.
Some would ask how the name of the blog came about. As i was thinking what name to give this blog (just like a father quenching his brain juice to think of a good name for his would-be born baby), i thought about my life, especially for the last 3 years. I felt that, being away from home, i've learnt so much.. just about anything, yet, not quite enough. I had made so many mistakes, yet, not quite enough to make sure that i don't screw up the next time. I tried so hard, yet, not quite enough to tell myself that i did my best.
I've learnt.. i've learnt that life is just a non-stop quest of finding your true self, your true identity, and also a non-stop quest of learning all the lessons of life, until the day you stop breathing...

signing off, tired after a whole afternoon of football.