Sunday, April 27, 2008

Léo’s cum Toulouse cum airbus

Before my Barcelona trip, I made my first visit to a French friend, Léo’s house. It was situated not too far away from Toulouse, something like a French ‘kampung’. His parents were so friendly that everyone felt at home right away. I was happy to have Paul, Mah and Tuan as company to share this beautiful experience. During these few days, we kind of let the time pass, just relaxing, playing ping pong, basketball, tennis, weightlifting and reading BDs (Lanfeust). We enjoyed ourselves with good food such as barbeque (I personally loved the magret de canard the most), crêpes, cassoulet… One day trip to Toulouse was quite interesting :P (at least the redness of the city caught my attention). Unfortunately I did not take any photos.

The most exciting part was the visit to airbus as we had a chance to see how things are done the airbus way. Not to brag, but we went under the planes, touched the planes, hugged the planes, kissed the planes, we even slept with the planes… ZzZzZz… Well, of course the hugging, kissing and sleeping part = nonsense. Anyhow, it was an ideal chance to open our eyes and understand how proud it is to be able to produce such a marvel.

I place a photo of a view of La Rambla for this post.

p/s: the photo has nothing to do with the content. Don’t be tricked.

Till then, signing off, it’s the end of the holiday.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

~Barcelona in love~

Two weeks of spring break is finally nearing an end. I would pretty much say I spent one of my best holidays this time around. Why? because I enjoyed it… duh… OK I traveled to Barcelona and to my utter surprise; I totally fell in love… unfortunately not with a girl, but with the city itself. Sigh, so disappointed…

Anyway, I have no intention to go list my whole journey in detail, so here goes some interesting and unforgettable stuff during my trip:

-La Rambla, the most happening street in Barcelona, there’s just so many entertainers along the stretch of the street.
-Best food? Paella, Tapas, Seafood
-Sagrada Familia is the most amazing piece of art in the city of Barcelona.
-Gaudi is one of the most creative architects, notably with Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Casa Batllo and La Pedreda under his name.
-It was a Champion’s League semi-finals week, between Liverpool-Chelsea, and Barca-ManU.
-Crossing path with Barca FC players (Henry, Thuram, Abidal, Marquez, Gudjohnsen) was a real luck.
-It’s a city where you find everything: beach, mountains, parks, cool architectures, interesting night life, good food, hot chicks, etc, etc.

Thanks to my travel-mates, CK and Siva for making this trip so enjoyable.

Till then, signing off, still loving my holiday trip.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


31st Mac to 4th April 2008… A whole week of ‘Asian invasion’ in the campus of INSA LYON, seeing lots of passionate and motivated students (Asian or not) giving their best to present a carnival sort of event and to spread the ‘Asian love’ to everyone around.

First, there’s the spectacle on the first 2 days. A whole lot of Asian performance is put on in order to give the Asian flavour, for those who are really interested to our beautiful culture. Again, as this is an Asian week, it’s all about Asia, and nothing else other than Asia. Vietnamese dance, Lion+dragon dance, karate, taekwondo, sketch, Indian dance was among the famous performances.

Other than that, the other particularities of the ‘SA’ were Asian food, a Korean movie and also a soirée video game.

Since I’m in the orga bouffe equipe, so let’s talk more about food. A whole week of sushi bar was held in the middle of the campus to sell Asian foods. Nobody actually understood why it’s called sushi bar when it sells a whole lot of other Vietnamese and Chinese food aside from sushi maki, instead of other Japanese food, and it didn’t even offer alcohol, so precisely, the name doesn’t correspond with the content good sold. In the kitchen, non-stop cooking took place. The fun part was that I’ve made some new friends and have learnt some new stuff about gastronomy especially in making sushi, given that I squatted there for almost a week. It was an unforgettable experience indeed.

On the whole, it was truly a good opportunity to unite all Asians and all French who are interested about Asia. Sadly to say, Asia does not really interest French people on the whole, not all, but majority. Well, it seems like it’s just a natural phenomenon that not everyone is interested in everything…

Till then, signing off, still hesitating to make the move.